
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Where to Find Partying Pat O'Neill this Year

At tomorrow night's MoCo Board of Education Meeting (July 28, 2014),  the Board will consider its brand new policy on Compensation  and Guidelines for Board Expenditures.

Look carefully and in Appendix C you will find the list of events that Board members may attend.  

Does this revised policy provide more guidance than before?

It looks pretty loose to me.  What is an assorted conference?  How many of these things can a board member attend?  Its also open ended - all a Board member needs to do to attend a party that is not on the approved list is ask!

No budget, no limit on events, just go and eat.

And how many of these events are really necessary?  Some - like the County Executive's Ball, looks like a grand time, but does this really further the education of the children in MoCo?   Others look very much like they are tied to the election process, for example, the Committee for Montgomery Legislative Breakfast, the Minority Legislative Breakfast, and the Montgomery County Commission for Women's Legislative Breakfast.

What benefit do our children get when MoCo BOE members attend these events?  Do we need all eight at every event?

Didn't the press have a field day with Chris and Rebecca's eating out all the time?

And - do we want part time BOE members expending full time at events of little benefit to the taxpayers?

Let the Board know how you feel about their list of parties.

Contact for the BOE President: 

Contact for Board of Education:

Board of Education Office

Montgomery County Public Schools
Carver Educational Services Center
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 123
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Tel: 301-279-3617
Fax: 301-279-3860
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  1. The BOE spent $1750 on ten tickets to the CSAAC gala last year. BTW: "Mr Tire" (aka Roland Ikheloa) is on the Board of Directors of CSAAC. How convenient!

    1. Lyda AstroveJuly 27, 2014 at 9:07 PM
      Ps: I did let the BOE and their white-collar criminal defense lawyer know that I thought it was highly improper for CSAAC to be on the pre-approved list because of its close association with Mr Tire. Haven't heard back.

    2. Here an illustration of the problem - 10 tickets for eight BOE members to attend a function? Obviously, some extras - and why do we need more than one to represent the BOE and MCPS?

  2. IS the BOE meeting tonight to discuss the proposed policy?

    1. Yes. All done. No public comment period. No Baldridge process followed. Brandman offered changes to policy. They were approved. Those changes aren't public.
      BOE expense account is still $96,000. No worries. They can all go out for a late meal and celebrate.

    2. Did Barclay or Smondrowski have any comments?

  3. Why aren't the changes public? What was the point of this if the BOE expense account is still $96,000?


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