
Monday, July 28, 2014

WPost: Major county youth soccer group files lawsuit against Montgomery school system

...Dillon added that the Bethesda club has “always been committed to providing opportunities to all socioeconomic demographics” and has awarded $250,000 in financial aid to players during the past three years. He declined to disclose player fees for his club.

Montgomery Soccer’s complaint also alleges that, amid bidding for the Churchill project, school officials told the group they had received an “unbeatable” proposal. School officials selected a joint proposal from Bethesda Lacrosse Association and Potomac Soccer Club, the suit says, even though Montgomery Soccer offered better financial terms.
...But Rice said that while the complaint reflects a dispute about who should be playing on the field, the idea of building the field was not similarly at issue. The council would leave the legal conflict to the courts, he said. The full council is expected to vote Tuesday...
Full article at this link.

NOTE: Council President Craig Rice is confused about what the Education Committee was voting on today.  The Education Committee was voting on who would pay for the artificial turf field at Churchill High School, not who would play on the field. Hopefully, Council President Rice will understand this distinction by tomorrow's full Council vote.
If the issue of the payment for the field is tied up in court this public high school field could be in limbo for years. Worse case scenario the field is dug up and a Court decision interrupts construction. This is the danger of turning over public land to a private entity.  

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