
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Breaking News: PG NAACP President Calls for Halt to PGCPS Cell Tower Deal

Bob Ross (Linkedin)
Prince George's County NAACP President Bob Ross spoke to the Prince George's County Board of Education at their August 28, 2014, meeting about their deal to place at least 73 cell towers on public school property. 

Mr. Ross calls for the Prince George's County Board of Education to hold off on the building of any more cell towers until the issue can be given further study. Mr. Ross also speaks to forming a coalition of other NAACP branches (Montgomery, Anne Arundel and Howard) to further review the issues surrounding the placement of cell towers on public school playgrounds. 

Please note the webcast video and audio are not aligned. If we can obtain a better copy of this statement we will post it. 


  1. Common sense. He did his homework.

  2. Cudos to Mr. Ross. He may not have quoted any of the overwhelming number of non-industry-funded scientific studies that are out there, but he had keen instincts and advantage of age and experience when he urged precautionary measures of halting installations of Cell Towers on school property based on other significant harmful actions that were taken in the past that only proved to be harmful in the long-term. The radiation (RF and EMF) extant from such Cell Towers and all wireless devices and WiFi have been shown to break DNA strands and interrupt cell production and distribution which would result in genetic abnormalities that would be carried to all future generations, assuming after about 70 yrs. of exposure we have any future generations; as the radiation we speak of kills delicate eggs and sperm and deteriorates eyesight early on in exposure. There will be no need of a BOE if we kill off our children with radiation.

  3. At last: Someone who cares about kids and takes his responsibility seriously. Kudos!


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