
Thursday, August 14, 2014

MCPS: “The public would misuse the data.”

My Two Cents: Praise For Greater Government Transparency

...When on the telephone with Dr. Zuckerman, I mentioned that it seemed odd to me that MCPS — a modern and sophisticated public organization — wasn’t more open and transparent. Being such at has never been easier than right now. Beyond the MCPS Foundation books, I mentioned Schools at a Glance and asked, “Why is such a key, and public MCPS data file not available as a downloadable Excel file?”
His answer (not a direct word-for-word quote, but close enough): “The public would misuse the data.”


  1. OMG. I thought Andrew Zuckerman was one of the better administrators at Carver. This is really disappointing. Guess they wouldn't even release the data unless in any format unless forced to do so by federal rules.

  2. I already know MCPS misuses the data. The start with the story they want, then share only the data that supports that story.

    1. We also know that MCPS manipulates events to get the data they want - e.g., denying requests for transfer during the school year, and approving the same requests in the summertime, so the transfers don't show up in the statistics - the statistics then don't show that many families are trying to transfer out of the bad school (yes, know this from personal experience).

    2. At MCPS we only publish the finest data that your tax dollars can buy. We would never be willing to share data about students failing Algebra finals, BOE credit card misuse, special needs student abuses, etc. unless the law compelled us to do so. But please pay no attention to those frivolous headlines… Trust us. JPS

  3. Keep questioning, Mr. Hawkins. Maybe one day MoCo residents will be able to see behind the wall that MCPS hides behind. I think so many folks believe there is so much corruption that it is hopeless, but everyone needs to keep questioning. They are in the spotlight now so we must keep hammering and show that MCPS is FAR from transparent, and continues to waste a lot of our money.


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