
Monday, August 25, 2014

Wheaton HS will have Cell Tower within a few feet of School #nobrainer

The Parents' Coalition has had questions about the location of the Wheaton High School cell tower now that the school is being modernized.  The cell tower used to be on the football field, but with the new design the cell tower will be smack up against the school building and next to a student courtyard.

The architect's rendering of this structure is not quite accurate.  See what the cell tower actually looks like below.

Here is what the Wheaton High School cell tower actually looks like now.

Wheaton High School cell tower


  1. So the tower and all of its machinery that sits on the cell tower compound will sit right at the school? That means the noise from the machines as well as the diesel fuel or batteries for the backup generator will be withing arms reach of students while attending classes? Does that also mean any cell tower workers (sub-contractors as well, no background checks!) will be allowed at the school and be right "in" the school while in session?!

  2. That Wheaton HS pole is now"attached" to or "virtually attached" to the school! Didn't Parents' Coalition just post that the BOE has established a policy of not attaching towers/antennas to schools?
    All BOE/tower leases says that the BOE can require the tower to be relocated under necessary circumstances. Make them RELOCATE. Maybe, with a little help from friends and neighbors, they'll choose to just leave, instead.

    1. The problem is that the BOE decides these things behind closed doors. The policy you state was never discussed at a meeting nor was the one that cell towers are no longer permitted to be on elementary school grounds. What makes you think that the BOE will go ahead and make a new policy, not in public records, that this cell tower can be attached to Wheaton HS? I'm not saying it will, I am saying that the BOE makes these decisions behind closed doors.

  3. What exactly is the function of the Bored Of Education?

  4. Parents need to speak up or it will happen.

    1. What parents? The "in" parents are all on board with this. They sat in on the planning.

      Have they told the "out" parents what their plan is?


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