
Friday, September 26, 2014

BOE President on how $140,000 Legal Bill was needed to defend "expenses incurred during official business"

Board of Education President Phil Kauffman attempting to re-write history with a letter to The Washington Post explaining why the $140,000 bill from the Board of Education's lawyers on retainer was acceptable.  Mr. Kauffman says the $140,000 was needed to defend "expenses incurred during official business." 

No, Mr. Kauffman, actually the issue was, and still is, expenses that in no way, shape or form had anything to do with official business!

The public was easily able to review Board of Education and select MCPS administrators use of MCPS credit cards to see the numerous charges that were unrelated to official business.  The Parents' Coalition requested and made public those documents.  

Apparently, Mr. Kauffman would like the public to forget about those charges and pay the $140,000 bill without question. 

  Why the Montgomery County Board of Education hired outside lawyers

1 comment:

  1. When Mr. Kaufman says, "In April, even before public concerns were raised, I had created an ad hoc committee to develop recommended changes for how board members are reimbursed for expenses incurred during official business" he speaks a 1/2 truth. Yes he did set up a committee, and it was before the issue was in the media.

    But the facts are that Mr. Kaufman absolutely knew that the Parents Coalition had received the documents they requested via the "Public Information Act of Maryland". He knew what those documents showed. And he knew, or should have known, that it would not be long before the media had the story.

    You don't spend $140,000 for a high end legal team to simply review your policies and procedures. You do it to get yourself out of trouble and that is exactly what the Board of Education did. As the old saying goes, "A reasonable doubt at a a reasonable price". In this case the price was $140,000.

    Obviously Mr. Kaufman and the BOE saw a problem much larger than $140,000 here, and that is the reason and the only reason they did what they did.

    Bob Astrove


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