
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cell Phone Towers Continue To Cause Concerns

While plans to place cell phone towers continue to move forward, parents and activists say they think the company building the towers needs to file for a special exception because it will make more than four maintenance visits a year.
“It’s simple math,” said Thea Scarato, a Greenbelt resident and parent of two children in PGCPS. “There are going to be more than four visits. It should need a special exception.”
In a previous report by The Sentinel, county planning department officials said the cell phone tower applications do not need a special exception because the towers will only be 151 feet high—lower than the county’s zoning ordinance requirement limitation of 199 feet. However, according to Scarato, cell phone tower applications should go through a process to get a special exception because there will be at least four maintenance site visits per year, according to the leasing agreement between Prince George’s County Public Schools and Milestone Communications....

article continues at this link.


  1. Doing the math, $25,000 (per cell tower site) x 73 (sites) x 60% (Milestone's cut) = $1,095,000 to Milestone Communications for brokering this deal. I wonder what Doug Duncan's bonus was at contract signing. If/when there are health/safety or other related issues at any of these 73 sites in the future, who will pay for the unforeseen consequences? Milestone? MABE? Duncan? No, parents and taxpayers will foot the bill. It's time for a new BOE in PG.

  2. Another MILESTONE has been reached in the breach of trust between Prince George’s County Public Schools and parents. MABE they will do the right thing and figure out a way to nullify the cell tower contract. You’d think it was a NO BRAINER. However, it looks like no such thing will happen and public trust will take another DUNCAN. When it comes to entrusting our public officials with the health and safety of our kids, it appears that our goose is cooked… stick a FORKAS in us, we’re done.

  3. We need a new EVERYTHING in PG. County exec took over our school board with help from the plantation down in Annapolis, then he appointed his brother in-law as chairman of BOE. PG public information officer, Susan Hubbard (quoted in article) is wife of delegate Jim Hubbard. This bunch makes Jack Johnson look like Jr. Varsity.


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