
Friday, September 19, 2014

Did the PG Tower Committee Violate the MD Open Meetings Act and Leave Out Community Notice and Input? #celltowers

This is the Open Meetings Act complaint that was the subject of the September 18, 2014, NBC4 report.


  1. Did the TTFCC (Telecommunications Transmission Facility Coordinating Committee) also violate the MD Open Meetings Act because a member or support staff person of the committee failed to take the Act training course as required?! That course is immediately available at the Institute for Governmental Service & Research's website ( The full text of the Act, as well as information about the Act, is readily available online too at the Attorney General's Open Government page.

  2. If previous comment is the case then the PG Tower Committee won't be able to use ignorance of the open meetings law as a defense. Good watchdog that Janis Sartucci.


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