
Thursday, September 11, 2014

MCPS Mom Files Complaint with US Dept of Ed, Gets Transportation for Child to Magnet School

A Kensington boy is being bused to school after his mother filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education saying Montgomery County Public Schools discriminated against her son when the system did not provide him transportation to a magnet program...
...“I worked smarter because I know that federal government provides funds to schools, and you are supposed to be following federal law to get those funds,” she said. “I took it a different route.”
In response to Diaz-Cooper’s complaint, the county school system decided to enter into a resolution agreement, according to a May 28 letter to Diaz-Cooper from an education department attorney...


  1. It would be a great idea if there was a compilation/summary of all findings of violations against MCPS by the Federal Government, the Special Education State Investigation Unit, Due Process Appeals, Courts, and any other pertinent bodies. The corrective actions/remedies should be summarized in a public report so that parents, watchdog organizations (such as the Parents Coalition, SEAC, the Board of Education, etc. would have access to such issues. As always, MCPS minimizes the issues by stating they have a different perspective. One must think of all of the cost associated with the complaints, including the legal defense.

    1. And not just violations against chilsren, but even in the way they abuse teachers and staff with social coersion

    2. There are ways that the staff could stand up to the coercion by anonymous leaks to the newspapers at a minimum. On the other hand, many teachers are quite aware of the intimidation and, I believe, unprofessionally accept the process by giving in to their fears and thereby become "sheep." The teachers have to gather together and push the Union to take the lead. The malicious culture of MCPS is hurting everyone. When the teachers believe "the parents have more power than staff," then no body acts. I commend the staff who have tried to withstand the caustic process.


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