
Monday, September 22, 2014

Open Letter to MABE Executive Director Frances Hughes Glendening #mabe #celltowers

The Executive Director of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) is Frances Hughes Glendening.  The Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) is a dues paying member of MABE.  The BOE paid MABE $66,354 out of the MCPS Operating Budget in FY 2015.

The Parents' Coalition has asked Executive Director Glendening and the MABE staff to please explain why they have partnered with a company whose goal is to take away public school playground space?  As of today, there has been no response to this question from anyone at MABE.


Subject: Why does the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE)
want to Take Away Playgrounds from Children?

Date: Sun, September 14, 2014

The Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) has partnered with Milestone Communications to put cell tower compounds on every public school playground in the State of Maryland.

Milestone Communications doesn't just want ONE cell tower compound on a public school playground, they want up to THREE cell tower compounds per playground!  That's right, three!  This fact is revealed in the Milestone Communications Master Leases that have been made public by the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland.

Why does the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) think THREE cell towers on every public school playground is in the best interest of children? A cell tower compound takes away precious green space and replaces it with a commercial HAZMAT facility.  What adult wants children playing on a HAZMAT facility?  

Public school playgrounds are set aside for the use, exercise, and enjoyment of public school children.  Why is an organization funded with public tax dollars partnering with a company designed to take away playground space from public school children? 

The answer lies in MABE's own statement.  Nowhere in the MABE partnership statement is the health, welfare and well being of public school children mentioned. 

"MABE partners with select companies, providing member districts the services that enable them to operate more efficiently, offer benefits to staff, or generate revenue. MABE Partnership Services contribute to the mission of serving and supporting Maryland boards of education."

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD


  1. MABE needs to drop Milestone NOW.

  2. What is the kickback that MABE receives for partnering with Milestone, et al? MABE shouldn't be selling our kids' health and welfare, at all. But in the interest of transparency it should be disclosed.

  3. Is MABE subject to an MPIA? Is it possible to request MABE documentation concerning all income/contributions/in-kind donations, etc.?

    1. No. They take education dollars from every county in the State and have zero accountability for what they do with the money.

    2. Janis, based on this information, why should taxpayers foot a $62,000 bill for MABA MCPS annual dues?

    3. Good question. Ask the Board of Education members that approve this fee year after year.

      The BOE would rather pay this fee than put a teacher in a classroom.


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