
Friday, September 26, 2014

Petition: Support Safe Internet Access at Montgomery County Public Schools

by Laura Simon

I recently learned of The Strategic Technology Plan for all MCPS schools which is well in motion:  robust Wi-Fi through the schools and a lap top or similar device for every child.  I couldn't believe that our schools could be blanketed with radiation without parents knowing and signing off on it.  There is mounting evidence that we are harming our children, especially their brains.  No one can assure you that the radiation level today in schools is safe: the Internal Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) explicitly stated, " the electromagnetic radiation standards used by the FCC continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today."  While we are increasing our use of wireless devices in the school, countries all around the world have realizing the danger to our children and have banned Wi-Fi at the schools along with other measures. 

I started this petition because I believe that our children and the staff have the right to go to school in a safe environment.  It is better to err on the side of caution until we know more.  As Peter Limbrick of Team Around the Child wrote in February of 2014 "My heart, head, and all my instincts, my education in science and my past experiences as teacher and parent of young children tell me that we should not subject children to microwave radiation unless for a very good medical reason...This is not the first environmental threat to children's welfare but it is probably the biggest on yet."

If you agree that we need to explore this issue further and that Wi-Fi in the schools may not be in our kids best interest, please sign my petition to the Montgomery Count Public Schools Board of Education:

Click link for Petition: Petitions

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