
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

School Board Challengers - Good Governance Forum

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
7:00 -9:00 pm 
Rockville Memorial Library, 1st Floor Conference Room

21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850

Speakers: Larry Edmonds, Shebra Evans, Laurie Halverson, Jill Ortman-Fouse,
Kristin Trible
As we are aware of the views of the School Board incumbents, here is an opportunity to hear from the challengers. We will send them 3-5 questions ahead of the meeting. However, most of the forum will be open to questions from the floor - from you. 

Co-sponsored by the Montgomery County Taxpayers League, the Montgomery County Civic Federation, and the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County.


  1. I want to know how they stand on the current superintendent. How do they feel he has performed? Do they think his contract should be renewed? Should he receive a raise?

    I will not vote for a candidate who supports this failure of a superintendent. The 900K to Gallup was enough money thrown away that could have been used for instruction.

    1. They love him. They already gave him a raise. Oh, of course it was in a closed session out of the public view, but it's already happened.

      Starr is up to over $261,000 plus perks now.

    2. WHAT?! This board is reckless and shameless. Incredible that this incompetent score changing fraud is being paid more than the VP of the US. Taxpayers get nothing but a sinking school system from Starr.


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