
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unprecedented Move, D-11 Board Votes Yes on Plan to Opt Out of Standardized Testing | |

A school district that takes action, unlike MCPS that just Tweets.

Unprecedented Move, D-11 Board Votes Yes on Plan to Opt Out of Standardized Testing | |


  1. Time to stop just talking a good talk and walk the walk already. Test scores aren't yet part of teacher evaluations, and the test scores don't come back soon enough for teachers to use them in their classes (even though the tests test a year's worth of learning before the end of the year). There is no point in administering them, really (unless, of course, you're making some money from them; always follow the money). And MCPS gives nothing but pushback to individual parents who want to refuse the testing as well; if they truly weren't in favor of the tests, they could show it by enabling parents to opt out, to refuse to have their kids take them. Actions>words. Always.

  2. How about a bill that allows parents to opt their children out of this ridiculous and harmful testing? Talk to your legislators!


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