
Friday, October 31, 2014

Exclusive: Family Sues BOE over Loiederman MS teacher incident

The Parents' Coalition has learned that a lawsuit has been filed in Montgomery County Circuit Court against the Montgomery County Board of Education concerning the incidents surrounding the arrest of Loiederman Middle School teacher Benjamin Cano. 

Cano was sentenced on January 21, 2014, on two misdemeanor sex offenses in the fourth degree and assault in the second degree.

The civil lawsuit filed in September in Montgomery County Circuit Court lists the following counts:
  • assault and battery
  • negligent hiring/negligent retention
  • battery
Damages against the Board of Education are sought in excess of $75,000.


  1. Will the proposed remedy costs be somehow passed down to the MC residents?

    1. Of course. Voters put in incompetent Board of Education members who don't do their jobs. We pay for their negligence.

      It is absolutely incredible that Montgomery County voters tolerate a Board of Education that has not updated the MCPS Child Abuse Policy in 26 YEARS!

      Of course there will be lawsuits and of course the taxpayers will have to pick up the tab. Over and over and over again.

      Superintendent Joshua Starr was warned by the State Board of Education about MCPS policies and procedures. What did he do in response to that warning? Cut a check for $900,000 to Gallup for hope surveys.


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