
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ike Leggett one of the Funders of BOE Incumbents Mailer

Did you receive a mailer similar to this one this week?

The mailer says it is "By authority:  Committee for the Public Schools PAC."

The Parents' Coalition has pulled the Campaign Finance report for this brand new political action committee and is making it public here so that voters can see who is actually funding this mailing supporting the current Board of Education members re-election campaigns.

It turns out that County Executive Ike Leggett's campaign account contributed $3,000 to this new Committee for the Public Schools PAC. 

However, County Executive Ike Leggett is not listed on the mailer as a supporter of these candidates.  

As of October 19th, the contributors to the Committee for the Public Schools PAC included:

MCEA (teachers' union)  $4,000
BOE member Judy Docca's campaign $7,000
BOE member Mike Durso's campaign $7,000
BOE member Patricia O'Neill's campaign $10,000
Senator Nancy King's campaign $1,500
County Executive Ike Leggett's campaign $3,000



  1. Sorry that I didn't know this before early voting last Sunday. (I voted for two of these four...)
    There are just too many rocks to look under with all our politicians these days.

  2. Shebra Evans is not a current BOE member. Not sure why I am supposed to be upset by this. They're running together and paying for their own ad. And? Do enlighten us.

    1. No one said you should be upset. Why are you?

      No one said Ms. Evans was a BOE member.

      Try reading again.

      The point of the information is that "they" are not paying for their own ad. There is significant additional funding from MCEA, Ike Leggett and Nancy King. Add in the MCEA contributions to the individual candidate campaigns and this is a reworked apple.

      While you are upset, can you ruminate on why Leggett would give this group $4,000 but not be listed as a supporter?

  3. The pols see nothing wrong with the free flow of campaign dollars transferred from one account to another. Not that I'm defending Leggett or any BOE member, but Leggett (and his handlers) may have felt that being declared a "supporter" was tantamount to an endorsement... this could appear to some that Leggett wants to have it both ways.

  4. Anonymous, not only do they see nothing wrong with it, a large part of their power and leverage is based on their 'largesse,' i.e., money they give to other candidates. For example, look at Councilmember Floreen's campaign war chest and where her money goes. And then look at how much power she has on the council, being on the PHED Committee. This is somewhat insider baseball but the money is key. In this county, it is ALL about the money. The rest is window dressing.

    1. You forgot to mention where Floreen get her money in the first place... Approximately 75% of Nancy Floreen's campaign dollars come from developers. It is they who truly wield the power in MC. We don't have to keep voting these shills back into office every four years... but we do.

  5. MCEA has too much power and owns the current BOE


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