
Friday, October 24, 2014

Starr and Morrison on List for Los Angeles Superintendent Job .@mcpssuper .@CMSSupt

Deasy has stepped down as superintendent of LA Unified, replaced on an interim basis by Ray Cortines, it’s open season on speculating who might be considered as a permanent superintendent...

...In any case, let the speculation begin. Below is a list of possible candidates, compiled by LA School Report :
  • Alberto M. Carvalho has served as superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the nation’s fourth largest school system, since 2008. He was named Florida’s 2014 Superintendent of the Year, the 2014 National Superintendent of the Year and has worked his whole career for the district
  • Richard A. Carranza has served as superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District since 2012. He previously served as deputy superintendent of Instruction, Innovation and Social Justice at the district from 2009 to 2012 and as northwest region superintendent for the Clark County School District in Las Vegas. 
  • Joshua Starr has served as superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland since 2011. He began his career as a special education teacher in New York City and served as superintendent of Stamford Public Schools in Connecticut.
  • Heath E. Morrison has seved as superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg  Schools district in North Carolina since 2012. He previously served as superintendent of the Washoe County School District in Nevada and community superintendent for the Down County Consortium in Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland....


  1. There's no question that if Starr can get the heck out of Dodge (Montgomery County); he will. He won't walk; he'll run. Maybe he can be the "Social Justice Warrior" in LA. Now that's loyalty for you!

  2. In the town full of Stars they can use another Starr.

  3. Our Los Angeles insider is reporting that Starr has already been ruled out.

  4. He's got offspring in MCPS; my wager is that he won't be going anywhere just now.

  5. Jerry Weast, pick up the white courtesy phone....

  6. No one wants Starr. The idiots on the MCPS BOE hired him and they don't have the sense to cut our losses and not renew his contract. We are stuck with BOE's biggest blunder... our tweeting supt.

  7. Funny that Morrison just resigned here in Charlotte stating "family issues" but if he indeed got this job then he basically lied to us all here. Wow...Have fun with that.

    1. Nothing bad. Just another professional using Charlotte as the stepping stone that it is.

  8. Morrison is using his mother's failing health as his reason for stepping down. LA can have this heartless man!

  9. Morrison used his mother's failing health as his reason for stepping down. LA can have this heartless man!!!!


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