
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Support for Cell Towers on MCPS Playgrounds: Henry Hailstock, Mark Uncapher, Robin Uncapher, Cynthia Rubenstein and Casey Aiken

Montgomery Community Media: This episode of “21 This Week” with host Casey Aiken (commercial real estate attorney) and his panel includes a discussion of ... whether cell phone towers should be located on public school grounds ...

The show’s panel of political observers includes Henry Hailstock (Past NAACP-MC President), Mark Uncapher (Former Chair of Mont. Co. Republican Central Committee and Director, Regulatory and Government Affairs Telecommunications Industry Association), Robin Uncapher (Republican Activist) and Cynthia Rubenstein (Education Activist and MCPS Partner/County Funding).

Go to minute 12:55 of the video for the discussion of cell towers on MCPS playgrounds.


  1. They support the towers? Seriously? So sad.
    Can you detail where on the tape to watch and what they state in summary?

    1. Minute 12:55 of the video begins what they term a "lighthearted discussion" of cell towers.

    2. @ ~ min17 Henry Hailstock says, "Are you telling me that schools are the only answer?" He calls cell towers ugly and eye sores, too, and he expresses concern for the adverse impacts that cell towers at schools have upon the surrounding communities. Henry is ill-informed on some of the dangers of cell towers, and he has an unfair bias against the Parents' Coalition, but his comments suggest that he wouldn't want a cell tower at his local school, and wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood that was next to a school that had a cell tower at it. Neighther do I, Henry; neither do I!

  2. I believe this cable show, like all of MontgomeryCountyMedia, is paid for with your tax dollars, incluidng funding from the Montg. Co. Dejpartment of Economica Development.


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