
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Washington Post unwilling to identify the Parents’ Coalition in article

Journalistic fear has apparently set in at the Washington Post, the only major media outlet that has made a practice of avoiding mention of the Parents’ Coalition by name.  
Montgomery began investigating spending practices after parents with a watchdog group learned that board member Christopher S. Barclay had reimbursed the school system for nearly $1,500 in unauthorized expenses since 2012, including restaurant meals and purchases from an online travel site.
 Attention Washington Post editors:  We are not Lord Voldemort.  
Almost no witch or wizard dares to speak his name, instead referring to him by epithets such as "You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "the Dark Lord".
You may speak and write our name.  We are the Parents’ Coalition of Montgomery County, MD.

1 comment:

  1. It not just Parents' Coalition... The Post apparently has an :"arrangement" where they must pass things by MCPS for approval. When our story broke in the Post, the Post refused to acknowledge who any of the players were, with the exception of the name of my wife and myself and the fact that we had taken on MCPS (and won). Even though the reporter used the name of the school our child attended, Post editors removed the school's name from the article. A Post photographer came to our home on TWO occasions to take a photo of me with the thousands of pages of documents we used to battle MCPS in our "special needs" case. Post editors refused to use either photo because the name of the school was written on the spine of one of the binders. What's going on here?


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