
Monday, November 3, 2014

Breaking: Baker MS Principal Letter to Parents, Sets up Meeting for Nov 5th at 7 AM


  1. Unfortunately, background checks are of little use, when 80% of sexual predators are never reported and abuse is not disclosed. I HOPE MCPS is fully committed to understand and respond to the stated interest in the protection and safety of it's students. Until prevention policies are adopted and the community at large stands up, speaks out and demands adults in youth-serving organizations take responsibility for the safety of our kids, we are asking children to learn to protect themselves. The prevention message is EVERYWHERE, if you bother to look for it. Childhood trauma stunts education, mental health, and physical health. If we value our future (our children), NOW is the time to change our mentality from victimhood to prevention. Please, parents, demand change.

    1. In this case, though, there WAS an actual arrest record. This guy should not have been in a school building unsupervised, if at all.

    2. " Please, parents, demand change."
      Election day is TOMORROW!

  2. Netcom is located in rockville, md

  3. And with the authorities playing musical chairs with the records, it will become a game of cat and mouse:


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