
Monday, November 24, 2014

Gazette Letter: School system misses target again

The school board assured us before the election that their No. 1 priority was closing the achievement gap. Now we learn the board approved spending upward of $1 million on a 15-month study of school choice and special programs, with no reference in the Oct. 22 RFP to closing the achievement gap.
The Taxpayers League has repeatedly called for an independent review of MCPS’ plans to close the gap. So far that review has not happened, and current plans do not include any concrete dates for closing the gap. Efforts to improve school choice without concrete dates for improving academic performance put the cart before the horse...

1 comment:

  1. I do not oppose a study on the Special Ed issues, especially with all of the shenanigans playing out and costing extra monies to pay private attorneys to defend the system. I believe the achievement gap for special ed students should also be included in this study. However, the issue of the achievement gap of all students should be considered separate from the ugly issues around special ed placements. 15 mos. seems way too long and only gives an excuse to "do nothing" to correct the significant issues.


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