
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Last night the Planning Commission voted to approve again the EZ Storage Application less than 250 feet from Maryvale Elementary School.

...60% of residents of David Scull Courts sent written testimony of their opposition to the facility for reasons including: detrimental to the public welfare, not in compliance with the Master Plan, adversely affect their health and safety.   These comments, including over 350 people who have signed online petitions stating their opposition to the proposal constitute the largest public outcry against any single proposal in the history of the Rockville Planning Commission...

1 comment:

  1. This violation of the Master Plan occurred the same time that former Planning Board Chair Royce Hanson was declaring that 'master plans are sacred.' Wake up, wake up you sleepy heads. Violating a master plan is no problem for this planning board or county council, and hasn't been for years.


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