
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Identical: Pearson & MCPS Curriculum Guides

Do Montgomery County parents and guardians get that their children are learning the exact same math, reading, science, social studies and writing curriculum being used across the country by Pearson?

MCPS no longer has a local curriculum or even a Maryland State curriculum, MCPS is using Pearson Education, Inc.'s curriculum.

Parents and guardians in other states have rallied against the Pearson curriculum and tests, but not here in Montgomery County.
In some jurisdictions Pearson testing has even been dropped, but not here in Montgomery County. 

For parents and guardians that don't understand that their children are receiving a Pearson Education, Inc. curriculum here in Montgomery County, here is a visual to help make the point.

At this link is the Pearson Grade 1 curriculum guide.

Below is the MCPS "Integrated Curriculum" Grade 1 curriculum guide.  The pink highlighting shows where the words and sentences used to describe the curriculum are identical to the words and sentences in the Pearson guide above.  Yet, the MCPS guide doesn't mention Pearson or the Pearson trademark anywhere on the document.

Note that Pearson does not do curriculum for art, music, health, physical education and information literacy in their guide.

1 comment:

  1. There are some MCPS parents rallying against Common Core, and against PARCC. We're out there. There are FB groups out there for parents who want to find other like-minded anti-Common-Core parents, at both the national and state levels, which is where I "met" (online only, not yet IRL) a number of other MD and MCPS parents opposed to Common Core.


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