
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MABE Cell Tower "Partner" Gives $5,000 to PG Referendum. More Cell Towers for Public Schools!

Remember that the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) "partnered" with a Virginia Company to push for cell towers on public school playgrounds in Maryland. The company is called Milestone and has about 5 or 6 different company names, all run by the same man.

Former Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan was a spokesmodel for Milestone.  

We know that in Prince George's County the Milestone cell tower projects are being allowed to SKIP the Prince George's Special Exception process, even though the PG Regulations call for these construction projects to go through the Special Exception process. 

Now we find out that one of the numerous Milestone companies donated $5,000 to a referendum effort supported by the Prince George's County Executive, Rushern Baker.  

Contrary to the quote from the Milestone president in the Washington Times article below, the County Executive runs the Executive Branch of the PG government that INCLUDES PERMITTING and the Cell Tower review committee that violated the Maryland Open Meetings Act this year.

Milestone Tower Limited Partnership, a company owned by Leonard Forkas, who is working on plans to install cellphone towers on county school buildings, donated $5,000.
Mr. Forkas said his support of the ballot initiative was solely based on his support for Mr. Baker.
“We like Rushern Baker. I think he’s been doing a phenomenal job for Prince George’s County,” he said, noting that the review process for cell tower site selection does not involve either the county executive or the county council.

1 comment:

  1. By Andrea Noble - The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 9, 2014

    Post-election campaign finance disclosures show that developers active in Prince George’s County were the primary funders of a failed county ballot initiative that sought to extend term limits for local politicians.

    A finance report filed last week — nearly two weeks after deadline — disclosed further financial support of the term-limits ballot initiative by deep-pocketed developers. Walton International Group, the Canadian company now developing the 479-acre Westphalia Town Center, contributed $20,000 to the effort, according to the report.

    Previous reports showed similar support from developers working in the county — two companies owned by developer Kenneth H. Michael donated $50,000 to the campaign and seven companies associated with developer Edward St. John donated a total of $25,000.

    Campaign finance filings detailing contributions made in the days leading up to the Nov. 4 election show the Prince Georgian’s for Fairness in Government ballot initiative raised a total of $124,550. The latest report, detailing finances from Oct. 20 through Nov. 11 lists the campaign as collecting $44,500. It also spent nearly $60,000 during the same period, much of it on radio ads.

    The ballot initiative would have extended the number of four-year terms the county executive and county council members could serve consecutively from two to three terms. The measure was narrowly defeated, with 51.4 percent of Prince George’s County voters rejecting it.

    This is the third time residents have voted in favor of term limits, which were initially adopted in the county via ballot initiative in 1992.

    Other contributors who gave money during the latest filing period include Jon and Milton Peterson, who own the Peterson Cos. and developed National Harbor. Both Petersons personally donated $5,000 to the campaign.

    Milestone Tower Limited Partnership, a company owned by Leonard Forkas, who is working on plans to install cellphone towers on county school buildings, donated $5,000.

    Mr. Forkas said his support of the ballot initiative was solely based on his support for Mr. Baker.

    “We like Rushern Baker. I think he’s been doing a phenomenal job for Prince George’s County,” he said, noting that the review process for cell tower site selection does not involve either the county executive or the county council.

    EBA Engineering Inc., which county documents list as currently holding a contract with the county to provide engineering services, donated $2,500. Other reported donations from the late filing include $4,000 from the Apartment and Office Building Association Maryland State PAC; $1,000 from 2 Research Place LLC; $1,000 from Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal PAC; and $1,000 from Gingles LLC.

    The donations are legal under Maryland law, which does not limit how much a person or business can donate to a political committee.

    The report indicates that the Prince Georgians for Fairness in Government committee had approximately $24,500 in the bank as of Nov. 11. It is unclear whether any bills were outstanding or what would become of the rest of the campaign cash. Committee Chairman Calvin Brown did not return calls seeking comment.

    Maryland law does not allow money leftover from a ballot initiative committee to be dispersed to political action committees or charities, as can be done with individual’s campaign committees. Instead, any leftover money must be dispersed back to donors at a pro rated share, said Jared DeMarinis of the State Board of Elections.


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