
Friday, December 5, 2014

...met with then-Superintendent Joshua Starr to offer training...on proper reporting procedures, but that they received no response.

Before Joshua Starr was the Montgomery County Public Schools superintendent he was the superintendent of the Stamford Public Schools in Connecticut.  Joshua Starr is in the Stamford, CT news this week and the topic is the same one that in the news here.

Stamford schools incident reporting issue dates to 2008

 STAMFORD -- Concerns about lax incident reporting to the state Department of Children and Families go back at least six years, documents prepared by two committees of the Stamford Board of Representatives show...

...She characterized the Oct. 30, 2008, meeting of the Education Committee, at which Lyons was also present, as largely a review of disciplinary procedure. She, as well as others who were at the meeting, said that what was at issue were guidelines for what kinds of student behavior warranted a report to the police.
DCF, however, and an apparent lack of reports filed to the state agency by Stamford schools, featured prominently in that conversation.
Lyons, who stated at the time that the matter was discussed briefly in his committee with then-Assistant Superintendent Winifred Hamilton, went on to say that he had been in communication with DCF.
"He learned that Stamford's reporting is nowhere near other comparable cities, nor is it close to where it was ten years ago," the minutes show Lyons relating.
Kennedy, who supervises the Stamford Police Youth Services Bureau, and Matheny spoke before the gathered legislators at the 2008 meeting. The officers said that although they investigate many child abuse cases, none at the time came from the school system. They said that they had met with then-Superintendent Joshua Starr to offer training, along with DCF, on proper reporting procedures, but that they received no response...

1 comment:

  1. OMG, people - please speak up to the board of education. We cannot keep Starr on for four more years. Tell the board to not renew his contract - they need to hear this now!


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