
Monday, January 12, 2015

Exclusive: County Council Agenda for Today, Mon. Jan. 12, 2015

It seems odd, doesn't it, that you have to come to a parent group's site to find out what the Montgomery County Council is doing as a public body this afternoon?  But, that's where we are folks!

Credit: Zopeuse
The Montgomery County Council did not put up the Meeting Notice or Agenda for today's Council Retreat at the Rockville Library.

The meeting is being held off-site, off camera, and there is no meeting notice on the Council website today.   If the retreat was purely social, the Council would not have had to notice the meeting.  However, as the just obtained (12:53 PM) Agenda shows, this is a business meeting and the public is entitled to attend and observe the deliberations and decisions of this public body this afternoon.

Head on over to the Rockville Library this afternoon and ask the front desk where the County Council is hiding.  There are meeting rooms upstairs, accessible by the interior elevator. Here's what the Montgomery County Council will be discussing.


1 comment:

  1. The county council revelations
    Of undercover deliberations
    Will bring manifestations
    Of unusual obfuscations.


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