
Friday, January 2, 2015

Inside the MCPS Security Camera Monitoring Central Room - What MCPS Can See

Remember the MCPS security cameras are not monitored in real time. 

Take a look at the NBC4 report to see how closely students can be watched by MCPS cameras that can zoom in to see how much money a student is holding in the lunch line. 

When MCPS' Robert Helmuth says "this is something we have always planned" he is speaking for himself.  The Board of Education never discussed this "plan." 

 NBC4:  30,000 Surveillance Cameras Monitor D.C.-Area Public Schools


  1. I am sure at many of the schools that have cameras a staff member monitors the cameras. Also if there were ever to be an emergency in a building, the cameras would provide valuable information.

    1. Well, you are wrong about MCPS. The security cameras are never monitored. There is no staff to do that. If there was an emergency? The cameras would only provide evidence for court. They do nothing to protect students or staff.

  2. There is no reason to monitor fake security cameras.

  3. I don't have a problem with security cameras in the school, if that was the point of posting the story. I do have a problem if they aren't being used properly (not monitored during school hours). You're right, it would only be good for evidence "after the fact". Which isn't a trivial point. But for REAL emergencies such as an "active shooter" if they don't have the ability to view in real time then it's a waste.


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