
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Letter #2: It is absolutely inconceivable to me why the county is not addressing this issue. #SexualAbuseofStudentsbyStaff

This is the second in a series of letters written to MCPS and Montgomery County officials over the last 15 months concerning the many arrests of MCPS staff, substitutes and contractors on charges of sexually abusing MCPS students.  Letter #2 was written exactly one year ago today.
Letter #1 is at this link.

Letter #2 dated January 31, 2014

Dear County Executive Ike Leggett, Dr. Starr and Members of the Board of Education,

On October 8, 2013, I sent all of you a letter1 regarding the sexual abuse of MCPS students by school employees. At the time I sent the letter, there had been arrests of eight MCPS employees in only two years for the sexual abuse of students. Since I last wrote, four more staff (two MCPS staff members and two outside employees who work with MCPS students) have been arrested for the sexual abuse of MCPS students and staff 2. In summary, in the past two school years, twelve people who either work directly for MCPS or work with MCPS students have been arrested for sexual abuse.

It is absolutely inconceivable to me why the county is not addressing this issue. It is inexplicable why my repeated outreach attempts to county officials go unanswered. I received one response from a board assistant. This response was filled with platitudes and despite numerous outreach attempts of mine back to that person as well as outreach to others I still have no response. There has been no visible action taken by the schools, the board of education or the county executive’s office to address this ever escalating issue.

I would again ask for a response from the County Executive, the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education regarding how the county is going to address this issue.
I would again state, I am specifically asking to know if the following is in place in the schools and if it is not, I would like to be part of implementing the following:
  • A clear and easy to access place within MCPS with information regarding child abuse. This would include information regarding what type of screening of employees, volunteers & programs is being done. It would include red flags / signs & symptoms of abuse. It would include links and information regarding how to report said concerns to the schools, police and CPS. It would include how each of those agencies respond to concerns, allegations and reports.
  • A clear and easy to access site within MCPS with the school and county policies regarding such things as: What are the guidelines / rules / regulations for electronic communication / engagement between staff and students? What is the protocol / regulation for how departments / agencies share concerns / findings / convictions (i.e. between schools, administration, police and CPS)? Have the loopholes that allowed part-time staff not be held to the same standards as full time staff been closed?
  • A link on the MCPS website informing parents about the superintendent’s requirement schools fill out the “Report of Suspicious / Inappropriate Interaction with a Student” form.
  • Education for parents regarding child sexual abuse.
  • Education and prevention for children in our schools.
I hope to hear from each of you in a timely manner. I may be reached either xxxxxxxxxx

Jennifer Alvaro

1 See attachment 1
2 See attachment 2


Subsequent to my letter of October 8, 2013, the following arrests were published, thus raising the number of arrests from eight to twelve.

1. November 2013 - Josh Andrew Greenberg, a building service worker at Herbert Hoover Middle School.
  •  Arrested for peeping on two girls changing in the locker room.
2. November 2013 - Yee Tak Sharon Kui, teacher at The Frost School (a private special education school which serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and related special needs). This school serves MCPS students.
  •  Fled the country prior to being arrested for the sexual abuse of a 15-year-old autistic child 
3. December 2013 - Mandel Sirotkin, substitute teacher for Montgomery County Public Schools from Feb. 2007 until Nov. 2012. A school district spokeswoman confirmed he worked at 20 buildings during his tenure. Those schools included Albert Einstein High School, Clarksburg High School, Goshen Elementary School, Thomas Wootton High School and Walter Johnson High School.
  • Charged with the sexual abuse of one female student.
4. January 2014 - Walter Stafon Bowman, Briggs Chaney Middle School teacher.
  •  assault charges stem from incidents of unwanted physical contact with three female coworkers.

1 comment:

  1. Elementary, my dear Watson; they only come out of hibernation when it is time for reelection.


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