
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Whitman HS: Administrators have called students for a meeting seventh period tomorrow to discuss the [Starr's contract] issue.

...The first indication of Starr’s future will come in early February, when he will have to decide whether to submit a proposal for contract renewal. Administrators have called students for a meeting seventh period tomorrow to discuss the issue.


  1. Why is administration discussing with students when so little is known? Seems like a complete waste of 7th period.

    1. This is Board of Education member Patricia O'Neill's district. She wants the students to discuss Joshua Starr.

    2. It's also Starr's kids' own neighborhood/catchment area, if I'm not mistaken.

    3. Darn, your conspiracy theory has been foiled.

    4. Oh, yes. Students in 7th period could totally get Starr his job back!

      A sentence was deleted and moved to another article. We have no idea what is actually going on at the school. If you read the other article you know that field trip supervision is pretty lose at Whitman. Do the same lose standards apply at all MCPS high schools?

      All this from the same school system that pays someone to make claims like "grass can be stored in a shed over winter and still be green in the spring." Yes, taxpayers in Montgomery County pay people to spew fantasy. Happens all the time.

    5. If you took the time to actually research before you attack, you'd find out that the ski trip was not a "field trip." It is not school sanctioned, and the supervision is provided by parents, not any school employees.

    6. @anonymous And you are? Thanks for the laugh! Because the article is very clearly titled:


      The article goes on to say,

      "Students and staff alike said the powdery conditions of the Rockies provided a sharp contrast to the East Coast snow to which they are accustomed."

      And finally, the article says that:

      "Administrators are handling the incident and have not yet issued any punishments."

      So you are trying to tell the public (or are you just trying to cover up?) that this was a private trip that had nothing to do with the school? So exactly how is it that TEACHERS were ON THE TRIP and ADMINISTRATORS are handling the drugs and alcohol that were found?

      Gee, do Whitman HS administrators routinely monitor private family trips? Wow. Really?

      Thanks for the chuckle. By the way, here's a copy of the article as it appeared when this post was written.

      We keep copies of documents before blog posts go up because we are very familiar with the editing/redacting/deleting that goes on once something like this is made public on this blog.

  2. Who orchestrated this meeting? Entirely inappropriate in my opinion.

  3. The sentence about the Whitman administrators calling a student meeting to discuss Starr's contract has now been deleted from the student article.

    We kept a copy of the original article.

  4. OK - just went back to review the revised article without the sentence in question and the opening paragraph explains the sentence was on the wrong article altogether... not sure how that happens but...

    "An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported that administrators would meet with students during the school day today to discuss the issue. That sentence should have concluded the story “Annual Breck trip one to remember.” Students who were on the trip will meet with administrators seventh period Friday. Students will not be meeting to discuss Dr. Starr."

    1. That would be this article?

      The last night of the trip, chaperones gathered upperclassmen for a meeting. Chaperones informed students that they were searching their rooms after overhearing students discuss drinking alcohol during the trip.

      The chaperones found both alcohol and marijuana in some of the students’ rooms. Some students were asked to call their parents and others had meetings with chaperones to talk about the incident.

  5. Makes sense that the administration would want to discuss that (as an aside, why haven't they done it before now, nearly 2 weeks?). My comment about not being sure how it would happen questioned how a sentence from one article got cut and pasted into another article.


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