
Friday, February 13, 2015

BOE Paid $70,000 to No Bid Superintendent Search Firm in 2011 Search

On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, Board of Education President Patricia O'Neill handed a $35,000 contract to a firm she liked.  The firm was hired to find the next MCPS superintendent.  Ms. O'Neill skipped any Request for Proposal or competitive bidding.

Minority, women owned or owned by individuals with disabilities companies you are out of luck. 

Now, here's the surprise.  The contract is $35,000 plus expenses!  Back in 2011, when the Board of Education used the same firm to hire Joshua Starr the amount paid to the firm ended up just shy of $70,000. 

1 comment:

  1. This is why they hired a superintendent who was all talk when it came to addressing the achievement gap, O'Neill is the same, all talk. She doesn't walk the walk or she would have operated in a way that gave women and minority firms an opportunity to compete by requesting there that be competitive bidding.

    O'Neill wanted to keep Starr. Shen is probably angry that she didn't get her way. She is a big part of the BOE problem. She does not operate in the best interests of the citizens of Montgomery County.


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