
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Del. Carr bill to fill BOE vacancies with Special Elections

The Montgomery County Delegation will hold hearings on the following bills on Friday.  Included in those bills are three that related to the Board of Education.  
  • Delegate Al Carr has introduced a bill to permit a Special Election to be held when a Board of Education seat is vacated. Under current law the sitting BOE members pick the replacement.  
  • Another bill has been introduced to give the Student member of the BOE more power.  This bill has been introduced in the past and to date has always failed.
  • A third bill has to do with putting BOE names on primary ballots even when those seats are not contested.  It appears that bill has not gotten very far in the legislative process. 

Montgomery County House Delegation Meeting
Friday, February 6, 2015
10:00 a.m.
Room 170 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, Maryland
        Congressman John Sarbanes

Late-filed Bill Request:
          (2/3 majority vote in House Delegation needed to accept as late-filed bill and to schedule for public hearing)
  • MC 29-15 (HB 316) Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses in Takoma Park
    Requested by Senator Raskin & Delegates Hixson, Moon & Smith

Bill Hearings:

  • MC 21-15 (HB 202) Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Wineries
    Requested by Senator Raskin & Delegates Hixson, Moon & Smith
         Requested by Delegate Carr

Voting Session - Economic Development Committee Report (2/5/15):
  • MC 6-15 (HB 85) Montgomery County - Board of Education - Primary Election Ballots
    Requested by Delegate Barkley
         Economic Development Committee - Unfavorable
         Economic Development Committee - Favorable
  • MC 18-15 (HB 89) Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class BD-BWL License
    Requested by Delegates Barkley, Moon, Robinson & Smith
         Economic Development Committee - Favorable with amendments

Voting Session - Land Use, Transportation, and Public Safety Committee Report (2/5/15):
  • MC 8-15 (HB 87) Maryland Income Tax Refunds - Montgomery County - Warrant Intercept Program
    Requested by Delegates Kaiser, Kelly, Luedtke, Miller & Reznik
         Land Use, Transportation, and Public Safety Committee - Favorable

*Please note that all meeting dates, times, and agendas are subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.

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