
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Girl reports sexual abuse after watching ‘Law and Order’ episode |

Girl reports sexual abuse after watching ‘Law and Order’ episode |


  1. The never ending saga of Montgomorrah County

  2. Our school system is turning into the the local joke! It's embarrassing. When will this downhill cycle stop?

    CLEAN HOUSE! We used to take such pride in our school system. We bragged with pride to surrounding counties. We used to make the news because of academic achievement. We were constantly winning awards and being cited as one of the best in the nation. Now we are fodder for scandal. When Starr goes remove his entire administration. MCPS needs a fresh start with leaders who care about children, parents, and community.

    1. Most of the incidents occurred during the tenure of the previous administration.

    2. @anonymous - When you say "previous administration," you mean during Joshua Starr's tenure, right? Because he is actually still here until Monday.

    3. No, I meant JDW's

    4. Well, then you are wrong.

      There have been over 15 arrests since Joshua Starr arrived in 2011.

      The MD State Board of Education told Joshua Starr and the Board of Education to quit keeping suspected abusers in classrooms and they ignored that State Opinion.

      So nice try by the PR dept, but not true.

    5. In all fairness he didn’t hire all these individuals, but the incidents were mishandled.

    6. In all fairness, MCPS children were harmed by the failure of the administration including Joshua Starr to put the safety of children first.

      One example: Lawrence Joynes was left in the classroom long after the Maryland State Board of Education told Starr to get teachers that were problems out of classrooms.

      Anytime you want to start putting the health, safety and welfare of children FIRST, let us know. Quit hiding behind anonymous, use your real name and put the safety of children as your first priority, not your last.

    7. Does the Maryland State Board Administration have any teeth to enforce their ruling?
      What about the local authorities, why were they not proactive?
      I think that this is a systemic culture problem in MCPS.
      This vicious cycle needs to end, otherwise the problems will resurface.

    8. Do you really think that I'll get an answer?

    9. Use a real name and of course you will get an answer.

  3. You have nott seen anything yet. Multiple serious charges may soonaddress individual principals as well as address district policy and the district has so many filings to answer to that they are in trench mode,Keep the pressure on for minority justice and inclusion including the children with disabilities who deserve better than some of the classrooms they are in. Some are getting better than others and the Constitution is about liberty and justice for all. All corruption and non compliance with Federal law must be exposed and is slowing coming out. All this money and greed by a few wanna be big shots must and is starting to be addressed. by We the people.

    1. You will get answers. The media including local tv has been notified of serious safety violations in some of even the better schools. There apparently is superiors all over the district who have no idea of the law, especially Federal... A real cover up district with its own rules but as I said, the ADA will be enforced and Federal law will be upheld when all is done.In the meantime I am very concerned about some of the unsafe rooms that are in even the better rated academic schools that apparently must have escaped inspection for years. Back to work....keep the faith

    2. Let's hope that the Feds who call MoCo their home are willing to rock the boat and admit that not all is rosy in their turf.

  4. The problem is not just with the sup, he should no doubt be accountable but also every principal and AP in these schools. The county should have zero tolerance, the principal's mishandling cases need to be immediately removed, they have ultimate responsibly for hiring, firing and most importantly knowing what is happening in their building.

    1. Amen! Some VPs are in charge of special needs in their school and even are in charge of carrying out restraints personally.

    "In September, a 17-year-old neighbor girl told Montgomery County Police that Shapiro photographed and molested her earlier in the year. However, the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office later dropped all charges, citing a lack of evidence."
    Random Justice John's Modus Operandi:
    When In Doubt Throw It Out.


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