
Monday, February 2, 2015

Tues @ 11:30 AM BOE Open Meeting on Superintendent's Contract


  1. According to the Post, Mike Durso says that Starr did not submit a letter requesting reappointment by the deadline. If this is true then the BOE should make an announcement that they will now search for a competent leader to run MCPS.

    MCPS needs a fresh start with qualified leadership. Remove the Starr regime and once again bring in people who put students first. The current regime is incompetent, self-serving, unqualified and more concerned about their own careers than the children in MCPS.

    It's also time to stop putting people in positions solely because they have worked in MCPS for decades. These people, who are generally placed in high paying directorship positions, sit at meetings (often falling asleep) and contribute nothing to improving the quality of schooling for MCPS students. This is taxpayer money down the drain.

  2. How about doing away with the BOE conclave as the selection process for the new superintendent? I think parents and taxpayers of MoCo deserve to see and hear the candidates speak on what they will bring to the job.Do I have trust issues? Darn right.



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