
Monday, February 16, 2015

Twitter Picture Appears to Show Pipe Burst at Blair High School

With thanks to Kenneth @terps11 for permission to post his picture. 


  1. I guess to save money the district never installed shut off valves. Hope they did not skimp on insurance also. This will be a huge expense to rectify if the reality is anything like the picture.

    1. you are the insurance, the taxpayers pay for damage

  2. Photo was posted to Twitter by @terp11. Blair principal replied "Thank you Blair Community for letting me know about our Greenhouse. Maintenance has resolved the problem.👏"

    1. Well that is an odd response. This is major water and ice damage to this part of Blair High School. What is the cost to repair? How long will the greenhouse be out of commission?

      The Blair principal has blocked the Parents' Coalition from reading her tweets. Clearly, she's not interested in transparency or accountability.

      Maintenance has clearly not resolved anything.

  3. school is too big if it takes twitter for a principal to notice this

    1. Umm, 2/16 was the third day of a long weekend - it's safe to assume the Principal doesn't live at her school

    2. Umm news flash. Schools have maintenance crews that are there to keep the building in use for community use. The Principal's job is to keep her/his facility functioning. If it means checking on the building during a serious cold snap, then so be it. It's called upkeep and maintenance and it is what regular folks do for their homes. A principal is the keeper of a $90 million+ facility. Under your ummm schools are just left to implode at 5 PM. That's a waste of the taxpayers' investment in these buildings. If a principal is all about the "ummm" then they need a different job.

    3. It's a shame...hopefully she'll be held accountable. And to think that "upkeep" could have been "maintained" by the heat being left in the "on" position

  4. I assume from the official response it was something minor like a toilet leak...get a larger bowl passed in the next budget, and yes some shutoff valves or water alarms so administration knows the situation. Specialists are needed for this to insure no mold grows after cleanup in any walls or around pipes.

  5. How timely, condemn school, install bus depot

  6. Install bus depot..have another place to restrain disabled kids...only this one at least will have some ventilation....

  7. mold will begin growing

    1. You are right. I was going to [post before you wrote this that Servicemaster type commercial cleanup crews are needed to properly dry out all areas and remove any porous material and then treat for mold with follow up and possible inspections before the ok is made to use this area or even the floors below which almost always are affected because water goes through heat ducts etc to below in a home flood but much worse....I hope they treat this could lead to respiration problems if not. I know in another schools they had previous problems a number of years ago with air circulation. For all we know they still do. No way to know I guess.. Now that I think of it I ask myself, was the heater broke when this happened to cause pipes to burst? Something caused the pipes to freeze like that. The building needs inspection.

  8. Wed. Feb. 18, 2015 - Students at Rocky Hill Middle School are reporting on Twitter that a pipe burst and flooded classrooms on the 3rd floor.

  9. Everything I have posted about the leak has come true , except I did not know two schools were involved. Anyone who justifies a principal in charge of a building during a notionally known deep freeze warning who is paid off the working backs of the taxpayers is a tool. I own a business .....and I was extra sure that I or my workers monitored my building over the weekend because it is important to do so in the private sector where there are pay consequences in the pocketbook..I am not in favor of privatizing schools( but lax attention and care by the workers for the taxpayer( some administrators) cause the cry for privatization to gain .

  10. Not sure that principals have much discretion since heat/air conditioning is controlled by central office. This has been an ongoing problem resulting in some absurd results such as rooms that are 80 degrees and some that are 50 degrees.

    1. Not central office. Energy Management at the Shady Grove Depot.

    2. They don't control turning off water and protecting pipes. That's the job of local principals.

    3. That is absolutely false. Energy Management at the Shady Grove controls the HVAC system to every school in MoCo and most administrative buildings too.

    4. What's false? You just agreed with all of the comments above.

      Water pipes are not HVAC.

  11. I'm not familiar with the school but just heard that Poolsville Elementary school will be closed all day tomorrow for what they call maintenance. Any other schools also closing?


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