
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WUSA9: Child sex offenders in Montgomery County Public Schools


  1. It must be a slow news week. . .

    1. And you would say that because? Because you don't care about children or because you support sex offenders staying in classrooms?

  2. I say that because, I would like to know did they cover the arrest and conviction of each of these lowlifes?
    Or they are just joining the bandwagon because it became a hot topic recently?

    1. Well let's start by looking that the Press Conferences the police held.

      Oh. Oops. The police didn't hold any on Joynes or many of the others did they? Nope. The police have only started holding press conferences, announcing arrests and asking for other victims to come forward in the last 3 months.

      Then, let's look to the State of Maryland. Where is there list of teachers whose licenses have been revoked? Oops. It's not public. It's nowhere to be found. But, in Pennsylvania, their list is public.

    2. In order words it is a systemic problem, but we like lemmings keep electing they same officials and then get frustrated when things stay the same or get even worse.


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