
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Action Alert - Deadline tomorrow April 1 by 10am to Protect our Children's Data being collected by "Educational" Companies

We need you to write a letter to your Senator by tomorrow, April 1, 2015, by 10am EST.  Links and sample letter below.  Large Social Media Companies are lobbying as you read this and tomorrow morning as well.  Don't let money trump your voice!

We had a meeting with over two dozen parents from various ends of Montgomery and Prince Georgia's Counties yesterday, 3/30/15, and provided parents some background on the new technology in our schools.

Recording of meeting link:

One important effort with a deadline of tomorrow, April 1st, deadline at 10am is to write your Senator to PASS the Student Privacy Bill - to stop "Educational" companies from collecting and selling data on your child's activities online.  States like CA, NY, and NJ have already taken legal initiatives, as well.  If we have some of the top schools in the nation, then we should be taking the lead on this matter!

With all the technology and devices our students use constantly, the privacy of the data collected during their use of technology is a much discussed topic.

For parents who have raised concerns about data collected while students use the technology required by MCPS, the Student Data Privacy Act should be of interest. Here's a link to the bill:

Generally, the bill would apply to operators who control websites, online services, online apps and mobile apps used by students at the direction of schools or the state Dept. of Education. Operators are required to protect student data from access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure, required to constantly meet certain security standards, and are prohibited from creating targeted ads, creating profiles, selling information, or disclosing data.

HB298 passed the House last week, but has no Senate crossfile.  The House bill has been presented to the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs committee, and will be heard by that committee on April 1.

If you support this legislation, contact the members of the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs committee immediately, particularly the Montgomery County members - Senators Montgomery and Kagan --- and urge them to support the bill as is to prevent weakening the protections through amendments.  Here's the membership list for the committee - each name a hyperlink to the contact info:

Letter to Type:  Sample:

I am a parent of a child in ____________ County and am in full support of the Student Data Privacy Act (HB0298).  This Bill is necessary to fill the gaps that FERPA and COPPA cannot reach - as it pertains to protect our children's data collection by third party vendors.  The Student Data Privacy Act (HB0298) should be adopted as is. It is critical we provide protection for our youth, as the consequences of data collection, starting in Kindergarten - all the way through High School, and the ability to sell such data to for profit companies is not the business of education that the State of Maryland should be engaged in.



Thank you for your quick action and engaging in this important issue

Ellen Zavian


  1. I cannot open the file of the meeting. What application do you use? Can you put it into a youtube ?

    1. Here you go. I moved it to YouTube so that it could be viewed and heard by a wider audience.

  2. Large companies like Facebook and Educational platforms are lobbying today and in the morning against the bill.... please please write your support to the bill 'as is'. Don't let dollars trump your voice!


If your comment does not appear in 24 hours, please send your comment directly to our e-mail address:
parentscoalitionmc AT