
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cell Towers on MCPS Playgrounds Owe $111,738 in Back Taxes

Daly Elem. Darnestown, MD
Who cares?
No one in Montgomery County.
No one in the State of Maryland.
But, if you are curious here are the details.

Where are the cell towers that owe back Maryland State Property Taxes?

Kennedy High School
Springbrook High School
Tilden Middle School
Wheaton High School (Yes, MCPS is building an entire school around this cell tower.)

Woodswards Road Elementary School site (this site has been completely leased out to cell tower vendors and Comcast and is unavailable for use as a public school)

Who are the cell tower vendors that owe back taxes?

Clear Wireless (a subsidiary of Sprint)
Tower Company

How much do they owe?  $111,738.81

Want proof? Check the Montgomery County Real Estate Property Tax records.  That's the source of our information.

See why cell towers on public school land are such a great deal?


  1. You are more likely to be robbed paying your tax bill in MC than if you slept overnight in downtown Baltimore on the street with your wallet hanging out of your pocket.

  2. Not to worry, they'll raise the bag tax to make up for the deficit.

  3. That's about the cost of one BOE dinner event.

  4. Its time – more than time -- for the BOE to issue these carriers notices to cure, and then, when taxes still remain in arrears, to terminate the tower leases. The MCPS model tower lease (I presume actual lease, too) says, “Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable governmental laws.” And, “In the event of default by Tenant and its failure to cure the default within thirty (30) days following written notice, Landlord may, at its option, terminate this Lease.”

    1. Oh, but Comcast is a MCPS "partner" - the Board wouldn't want to do anything to hurt the partners feelings! Imagine, the BOE might not get invited to the next cocktail party.

      Let's connect the dots. Rales is the family that owns Glenstone. Glenstone wanted a sewer and so they threw a cocktail party for Joshua Starr. Starr wrote a letter to the County supporting the sewer. Starr pretended that the Glenstone museum allowed children, which they don't. The Rales got their sewer because it would be good for kids (yes, the same kids that aren't allowed on the property).

      The Rales and Comcast throw pennies at MCPS through a volunteer reader program. The Ruth Rales Comcast (we want good PR - you get 2 people to read books) program.

      Look, MCPS has even written a whole report on the Rales Comcast volunteer thing.

      Now, do you seriously think that the BOE is going to do anything to anger a cocktail party partner?

      Comcast is getting a entire 12 acre public school site tax free. That's the way we roll in Montgomery County.

    2. As an update, it looks like the Rales Comcast Reading program is history. Rales got their sewer and Comcast got their tax free 12 acres. No need to front a volunteer reading program for MCPS anymore.


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