
Monday, March 2, 2015

Graduation Rip Off Continues as More MoCo Schools Shake Down Students for Money

Did you know that the Maryland State Constitution guarantees a free public education?

We've been telling you that for years.

Here is a list of fees for graduation. Its not a red zone/green zone thing - students across the county get ripped off.

Shame on Paint Branch HS - for years you were one of the schools with a smart administrator who followed the rules.  New principal?  Not so smart.

If your child attends one of the schools that charges a fee, ask your principal why you are getting charged when other schools seem to be able to hold the ceremony without taxing the students.

Better yet - ask for a refund.

Advice to the class of 2016 - Do not pay this fee.  You can't be charged to graduate from a MCPS public school.  Its illegal, plain and simple.

 Unfortunately, MCPS administrators think the rules don't apply to them.  What does this say about the example our school leadership sets for the next generation?


  1. RICA charges students $50 to graduate

  2. What are the fees used for?

    1. principal's slush fund

      Graduation is paid for by MCPS Operating Budget. That's why you see no charge at about half of the schools. At the schools where the principal has figured out they can extort some cash from the students, there is a fee.

    2. Ask your principal for a budget breakdown of the graduation fees, field trips, or anything else you "pay" for at schools.


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