
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Initial PARCC test reactions mixed in Montgomery

...At the school board’s March 10 meeting, discussion of PARCC tests included questions, concerns and positive reports.
School board member Jill Ortman-Fouse raised concerns about why the testing experience could vary for different students.
One issue, she said in an interview, is that some students taking one version answer questions using sound clips, while other students only look at text.
Ortman-Fouse said she’s concerned about students who receive accommodations different from what they are used to during the test.
“I really question the usability of the data we’re going to be getting,” she said in the interview...


  1. My child's high school science teacher recently told students that the test should be know by its reverse spelling... cCRAP.

    1. It's ashamed that teachers can't be more professional. They should keep their opinions regarding assessments to themselves so not influence the students. The students have to take the tests no matter how teachers feel about them. Making the experience as positive as possible for students is the professional thing to do. Disparaging the tests to children will cause some students not to take them seriously and they will not do their best work.

    2. You are correct about the teacher being unprofessional, but your stereotyping all teachers based on the actions of one is also wrong.

    3. You are correct about the teacher being unprofessional, but your (sic) stereotyping all teachers based on the actions of one is also wrong.

      I didn't write ALL teachers and was responding to a comment, so it should be clear that the comment is not a referendum on ALL teachers, but rather those who choose to share what should be personal opinions with students.

  2. Why would anyone pick on a single teacher right or wrong, when we see posted here day after day major problems caused and approved by the administrators and others in high authority in the County? When it comes to second class treatment of many disabled students, freedom of protection to many child abusers, and toxic waves being beamed from behind bill boards and signs surrounding the area and schools, pick on the wanna be generals in charge, not the privates.

  3. I was appalled to learn that schools will not have their PARCC results until late this fall (I was told November)...which is well after any curriculum planning is done for the year. I was even more appalled that there seems to be uncertainty about whether parents will receive individual students' results. Thus my child is missing days of instructional time for a test that will be of no benefit for her.


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