
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Keep Your Promise MCPS Chief Technology Officer Sherwin Collette

Safe Tech for Schools Maryland: Keep Your Promise: An Open Letter to Technology C...: Keep Your Promise  MCPS Chief Technology Officer Sherwin Collette Please Accurately Measure WiFi Radiation In Our Schools We wr...


  1. Unless internet listings( as listed above under labels) are missing something, nowhere can it be found that the chief technical officer has a college degree in basic science , let alone physics, engineering or any elementary or advanced degree in what we call the hard core sciences. When asked technical questions pertaining to radiation he should make it clear that even though he apparently attended college, , he does not appear to have a degree in physics, molecular science,, .. nothing on that level. An interest in a scientific area does not make a college degree or even a minor in that area, . He cannot answer questions about WIFI because he appears to have not formally studied these fields in an educational setting leading to a scientific based degree..,, which is fine as a hobby,, but not as a man who puts himself in a position to have folks think he can measure and interpret radiation ,, being he is the chief tech officer, . If he did not think he was qualified to answer such science and health questions he should have said so by now instead of avoiding questions...Having a technical knowledge of personal computer use and even some possible training in math and sociology in the classroom is way different than the study of wave transmission in the basic sciences and advanced sciences.

    1. I believe an issue that critical should be left to the experts in that field:

    2. Very impressive link and very impressive group of scientists.. Thanks for sharing. Now these are the highly qualified experts that are needed and I did note this is a non profit and not tainted by politics.

  2. WRONG. physicists only give part of the picture.
    Medical Scientist who specialize in Environmental Heath are the folks to deal with this issue.
    Physics can help with measurements but not with understanding health risks.

  3. Is the CTO of this county a medical scientist, a physicist, or neither?


  4. Curriculum and instruction degree.

    1. 2012 MA Curriculum and Instruction
      1988 BA English

  5. English and Instruction? Tell me you are kidding!!!!!!!!! OK fine, But he should not be making decisions related to medical safety questions. He should defer to the Dept of Health who must look at this!
    The Dept of Health cannot pass the buck yet again. to the FCC which is not a science agency.

    1. It is similar to politics, the one with the most elegant oration gets elected by the people.


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