
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Radiation Measured at Bells Mill Elementary School

Parents raise concerns that WIFI networks could pose a health risk to students and staff because of “unsafe" radiation emissions.

PRLog - Feb. 16, 2015 - POTOMAC, Md. -- Local parents, teachers and citizens have formed Safe Tech for Schools Maryland (STSM) to push for "Safe Technology" in schools.  They are raising awareness on the serious health risk that wireless radiation (also known as radio frequency radiation RF-EMF) poses to students and staff. The group advocates for an ethernet based (non-wireless) network that would have zero radiation emissions.

“Children should not be experimented on in school, period.  There are safer , faster, and greener ways to access the internet.  Our conscience and moral compass should be our guide,” stated a parent.

The coalition was founded after a Montgomery County Maryland parent requested a report on the radio frequency radiation levels at her child's school, Bells Mill Elementary.  The radiation levels at the school were high enough to be considered "unsafe" by the Los Angeles School District as well as health advocacy groups who have long argued that FCC guidelines do not protect children.

Safe Tech for Schools Maryland quotes the American Academy of Pediatrics 2013 letter to the FCC calling for stronger radiation guidelines stating that children are “more vulnerable” to wireless radiation and need to be better protected. STSM cites "credible" research showing increased cancer riskneurological damage and reproductive system damage from low level wireless exposures.

Harvard pediatric neurologist and autism expert Dr. Martha Herbert stated, “EMF/RFR from wifi and cell towers can exert a disorganizing effect on the ability to learn and remember, and can also be destabilizing to immune and metabolic function. This will make it harder for some children to learn, particularly those who are already having problems in the first place.” Dr. Erica Mallery-Blytheemergency room physician of the Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment has recommended “ASAP withdraw all RF Emissions” in her November 2014 scientific presentation on children and RF.

The new group is calling on local school districts and the Maryland Department of Education to turn off the wireless routers and install safe wired routers and ethernet connected computer systems in schools.They note that parents are often surprised to learn that industrial strength routers used in schools are far more powerful than home routers because they are accommodating up to 30 devices in a room. The level of radiation is further elevated from each device emitting radiation.

Maryland school districts have previously responded to parents concerns by stating that radiation levels are “within FCC limits”. However, this group counters that  FCC radiation regulations are 18 years old, under current reassessment and “do not protect children”. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) a district with over 500,000 students has set safety thresholds at radiation levels 10,000 times lower than FCC standards because of research showing cellular damage at levels lower than the FCC regulations. The radiation levels measured by MCPS at Bells Mill Elementary school were much higher than limits LAUSD set.

Parents who have been addressing this issue in their local schools for the last few years have now connected across the state of Maryland and are taking various actions. For example, parents recently requested  WiFi radiation readings in neighboring Prince George's County but was denied by CEO Dr. Maxwell due to “fiscal constraints” .

Parents testified to the Montgomery County Board of Education on their concerns about wireless networks in schools on October 14, 2014 and February 10, 2015. They also sent MCPS Department of Health Education Supervisor Cara Grant information on safe tech for MCPS curriculum development. Parents have testified several times on the issue to Prince Georges County Public Schools and have provided safety information for PGCPS 2014 Bring Your Own Device Policy.

Parents met with then Governor Martin O'Malley on the issue in October and the State Superintendent of Education Lillian Lowery's Chief of Staff over the summer. In a letter to a parent dated April 23, 2014, Maryland Secretary of Health Joshua Sharfstein M.D. stated that The Department's Environmental Health Bureau reviewed recent scientific reviews. Dr. Sharfstein concluded that, “It is fair to say there are legitimate long term health implications of microwave radiation.”

PTAs and Teacher Unions are calling for removal of WiFi networks because of the radiation.

The coalition made up of parents and citizens from all over the state, started a blog at

The coalition plans on coordinating local and state efforts to raise awareness to expedite the installation of hard wired (non wireless) technology in schools. 


  1. There used to be inconclusive studies years ago about links to brain cancer. Many of the studies are more definitive as they are given time to accumulate data and now strongly suggest a link with EMF/RFR with brain tumors. Studies with even cell phones held to the head show brain cancer links. Emissions from towers etc. still need more studies before they can be put in school area with any confidence. Seriously , what is wrong with this school district? I've never seen so many problems in my life. Most folks that want to move near DC in the future will opt for the Virginia side of the river for sure in the future. Who wants to pay property taxes for all this abuse?

  2. So is the MCPS leadership hiring experts to take readings at every school in the county and then issue a comprehensive report?

  3. Why is the school system putting radiation in the school?

    1. The kids we must empower
      By erecting WiFi cell tower
      To make their brains virile
      And to ensure they're sterile.

  4. MCPS says it is safe and they are within FCC limits, but the guidelines were developed 30 years ago, the guidelines are outdated and irrelevant . The EPA has said that the guidelines were for short term exposure within 30 minutes, not chronic low level radiation. MCPS is risking the health of kids and staff and they just don't care. There are no guidelines that will tell you the safe limit for industrial strength wifi in the classroom for 30hours a week, week after week. The amount of radiation is unprecedented and the staff and students are being experimented on.

  5. I have heard that this is all for the PARCC exams.

  6. To the commenters on this press release: What on earth would make you think that any public school system in Maryland would give a hoot about the health or safety of children?

    If an administrator can get a free trip to London, your child is up for grabs. Thank the Apple Ballot in Montgomery County for putting in the Board of Education majority that treats children like they are replaceable.

    1. Unless of course their children were the guinea pigs.

    2. Not a problem! The perks, trips and campaign contributions make it all worth it!

  7. All of us can write our school principal and ask for radiation readings , cc the admin. The MCPS air quality person has radiation meter and all he does is go room to room and record the levels. They should do it for all the schools. Ask them to do it when school is in session and when kids are using the chromebooks. Otherwise they are not measuring the real exposures. Bells Mill was not a full report because they did not measure with all computers in use in a room.

  8. Teachers are concerned always about asbestos etc. in the classrooms in many states. This is one area where Parents groups like this site and teachers can agree on as no teacher wants any disease including any type of brain tumor to develop down the line through no fault of their own. The threat of an OSHA inspection by any one teacher let alone the teachers union is enough to force compliance by even this district as the fines and remediation are severe and expensive and extensive after the initial cleanup warning is given. first the readings as outlined would be done for starters and then the wall linings have to be looked at just like they mandate in health settings with machines, although this district has a way to wiggle out of things no one can wiggle around a request for OSHA inspection,. Just a phone call does it period. Something can be done here via this route...

  9. The problem is that these radiation levels are legal. They are not breaking the law.
    The problem is that the law does not protect children. These regulations were set 30 years ago and never considered long term exposures.

    What if kids and teachers get sick in 10 years because of all that time in wifi? full body exposure to untested radiation??? Are you kidding. Why not use a wire? Then you can avoid all these problems. These are kids.

  10. And the folks who decided that the radiations levels were legal, are probably victims of their decision at the time.


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