
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Watch Live Mtg Today: BOE will Not Discuss 26 Years Out of Date Child Abuse Policy

Today, March 3, 2015, the Montgomery County Board of Education's Policy Committee is meeting to discuss Child Abuse and Neglect

But, they won't be discussing the Board of Education's 26 years out of date Policy JHC-RA.  This document is used to train teachers and administrators in the requirements of Maryland State Law and it hasn't been updated since 1989.  Maryland Child Abuse laws have changed many, many times since 1989, but the Board of Education apparently doesn't want MCPS teachers and staff to know current law. 

Note that the Child Abuse Task Force/Work Group no longer exists. That group has been dissolved, so they will not be providing any further input into the review of Child Abuse and Neglect issues involving MCPS.

Thanks to years of advocacy work by the Parents' Coalition, today's Board of Education Policy Committee meeting will be live streamed on the MCPS website.  Tune in at 1 PM to watch the Committee's discussion.


  1. Don't tell me, they'll form a committee to study the issue and then produce an academic treatise on the matter.

  2. aca ....ya no hay nada q' discutir!!!!!.........MCPS,full pedofilos !!!sicks mentals!!!!!

  3. You ain't just whistling Dixie, amigo.


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