
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Board of Education Members Refuse to Meet with Community on Bus Depot Issue

From the Save Blair Ewing community group:

We represent several communities. Our issues involves millions of dollars, serious environmental impacts, traffic and safety issues, student needs and widespread school overcrowding. We have been demanding more openness and transparency, and better decision-making.

We have been instrumental in pushing for a delay in the declaration of "no further need" for the CSP East/Jeremiah Park property, where MCPS currently parks over 400 school buses... because MCPS clearly still needs that depot on Crabbs Branch Way.

And we have been asking to meet with the Board of Education members to discuss these issues. Their response? See below:

"Dear Mr. Smilowitz,
You recently contacted the Board office requesting meetings with individual Board members to discuss issues with the use of the English Manor property and overcrowding. I regret to inform you that Board members’ tight schedules currently make it a huge challenge to arrange face-to-face meetings. I suggest that you send the Board your thoughts via email correspondence. If you send it to, they will all receive your correspondence.
Again, I am sorry we cannot accommodate your request at this time.
Ikhide Roland Ikheloa
Chief of Staff-Ombudsman
Montgomery County Board of Education


  1. Organizations that lack openness and transparency are bound to make very poor decisions, almost by definition. My experience has been that MCPS is strangely opaque, in stark contrast to both the County Council and the executive branch. And bad plans made by a remote Board of Education are what we have been - and still are - fighting.

    We learned earlier this week that the Board of Education will be holding a vote on April 14th regarding the location of the second feasibility study for the AEPs (back in January, the County Council asked MCPS to do two feasibility studies: one on the Ewing Center, and another on a second location, not necessarily English Manor ES). We still don't know what the recommendation will be, who exactly will be making the recommendation, what other sites were considered, or even what selection criteria are being used. Apparently, we will learn that via BoardDocs on April 7th, or shortly thereafter.

    And will there be an opportunity for public input? Yes, the Board plans to have a half an hour slot starting at 9:55am on the 14th. At three minutes a piece, that means up to ten speakers may sign up, but no doubt there will be speakers who wish to testify regarding other topics that the Board will be considering that day.

    The acting Superintendent and Boardmembers will also have a half an hour to make comments, starting at 10:25am, and the vote will likely be held at 10:55am.

    Frankly, I believe it is high time for MCPS to open up to the residents and communities it serves, and stop treating us like we are their enemies.

    1. Board of Education President Patricia O'Neill has been very clear about how she views the public and parents - "pains in the ass." Her words.

  2. Maybe if you serve them food they will meet with you. They sure do like to eat on the community's dime!

  3. Why is Mr Tire responding? Didn't they send heir letter to the Board of Education? None of them can pick up a phone and call that guy?


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