
Friday, April 24, 2015

MCPS Educator charged with sexual abuse of minor

...Wilson allegedly met the student underneath a set of stairs at the school where there were no cameras. The two would “kiss and touch,” according to court documents.
Police said it is believed the incidents occurred from October 2014 through March. Wilson gave the student his cell phone number while he was helping her with homework, according to police. They also exchanged phone calls and texts.
There was also another incident between the two where Wilson allegedly fondled the girl at the apartment building where the student lived, police said.
Police said the student last had contact with Wilson at the end of March, when he left the school to start a new job...


  1. Filthy and disgusting,. I'm talking about the so called leadership. They are just plain sinful people. Allowing this to happen over and over with nothing but sweeping it under the table with little to no punishment. I have to take a shower after reading these things. Seriously.

  2. They certainly have swept things before but so far this incident doesn't sound like anything's being "swept under the rug". It's a little early to make that claim just yet.

    1. Exactly, when there is a will there is a way

  3. It is hard to sweep so many cases under the rug. There will be changes, I believe. In the past, MCPS was primarily responsible. Now, the County will step in and it will be harder for MCPS to avoid dealing with the problem in detail. The situation is too high profile to ignore or deny, I believe.

    1. I thought that the 'C' in MCPS stood for County.
      We need Top Down changes NOT Bottom Up changes.

  4. Until you have worked at central office, people just don't understand the culture of MCPS.

    There is very little interest in what actually happens in schools. People are more interested in furthering their careers, stabbing one another in the back, making names for themselves, being "connected", and name dropping, among other self serving activities. The egos there are out of control. Everyone is so busy trying to be someone, that no one cares what goes on in schools. They only care about their job titles and getting more money in their own pockets. Having a coveted parking space is more important than making schools safe for children.

    Protected by unions and safe guarded by a reputation built by previous generations, the current crop of MCPS 'leaders' have become entitled fat cats who couldn't care less about the realities of today's students.

    1. As an employee in MCPS, I have experienced the same regarding the culture in MCPS central office. The same self serving culture exists in the unions and with the BOE. Decisions and daily actions have little to do with serving children.

  5. There is a sharp distinction between molding characters and moldy characters.


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