
Saturday, May 16, 2015 members met with Houlihan... for an interview, but its members signed confidentiality agreements...

...The board said late Thursday it reviewed applications from 25 candidates and interviewed seven in person before choosing Houlihan.
Byron Johns, education committee chair of the Montgomery County branch of the NAACP, described the community reaction he’d heard as “underwhelmed.”
“His lack of experience and track record, I would have thought, is something that would give pause,” Johns said.
A board-created panel of community members met with Houlihan on Thursday for an interview, but its members signed confidentiality agreements.
Two people close to the panel who did not have permission to speak publicly about its work said the group did not officially vote on Houlihan. One said members had questions about his level of experience and his vision, with some expressing concerns about the learning curve he would face as Montgomery deals with challenges including rising enrollment and budget shortfalls. The panel was expected to relay its thoughts to the school board.


  1. MCPS needs stability. This guy has not shown commitment or loyalty. He'd move on as soon as the next offer came along. He is ambitious, he's not interested in long term commitment. I'm glad to see that there are some people with sense in the community.

    Apparently the idiots assembled on the selection committee decided to ignore all of the input from the focus groups. There is no way they would have selected this guy if they had considered even half of the input.

  2. Has he formally accepted the job? If we are lucky, he won't come at all.

  3. Did they meet at Houlihan's?

  4. Confidentiality agreements? That is disgraceful.


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