
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Does the Tuxedo Crowd Care about Protecting Students? #rockterrace #identitytheft

Yesterday saw Montgomery County Councilmember Roger Berliner posting the picture below on Facebook.  Then the comments came, including from Councilmember George Leventhal saying "four handsome fellows."

This display of yet another party for elected officials was posted on the same day that the Montgomery County State's Attorney secretly released the results of a Grand Jury investigation into the misappropriation of student funds by MCPS staff at the Rock Terrace School in Rockville.

Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy did not hold a press conference to announce the findings.  Instead he gave an exclusive interview to The Washington Post.  No other news agency could report on the Grand Jury findings and no other news agency could ask questions of Mr. McCarthy. 

So which of the tuxedo clad elected officials in this Facebook picture will speak up on behalf of the Rock Terrace students who had their identities stolen by MCPS staff? $69,000 of student funds is missing.  Do any of these tuxedos care or are they only concerned with getting to their next fundraiser on time?


  1. Looking at the photo... I think I'm going to throw up now.

  2. I feel like yawning.

  3. Government transparency
    Why it is outright heresy
    Posing in black and white tux
    While all else is gray as ash.

  4. There was a politician in a tux,
    Who took big developer bucks,
    He could care less about children,
    And more about buildin’,
    We all know that he sucks.

  5. Don't jump to conclusions.Judging from where two of them are holding their folded hands, they are worried about getting to the bathroom on time, not another fundraiser.

  6. The theme song:


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