
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Falling Fast -

The rise and fall of Dr. Andrew Houlihan as superintendent designate of Montgomery County Public Schools serves as a reminder that the search process is flawed - because of the secrecy and lack of transparency.  What did the Board uncover after it announced Dr. Houlihan's "preferred status" that it didn't know before?

Lets hope that Pat and her buddies have learned something.  The process should be more open to vet the candidates in the public eye - before more time is wasted on another failed candidate.

May 17, 2015
Montgomery County Board of Education President Patricia B. O'Neill released the following statement on May 17, 2015 regarding the status of Dr. Andrew Houlihan as a candidate to be the next superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools:
"On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Dr. Andrew Houlihan informed the Montgomery County Board of Education that he is withdrawing from consideration as superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools.
"The Board appreciates Dr. Houlihan's interest in the position and wishes him the best of luck in the future. The Board will continue to focus on a search for the next superintendent of schools."


  1. Does this mean they don't get to take a junket to Houston? I'm sure they already bought the tickets!

    1. And perhaps leather bags for transporting their laptops!

    2. We just dodged a bullet. No one cares about plane tickets.

  2. No, it means that our school system is without any clear Superintendent for time being, while your sense of humor is appreciated, this is a rather dire situation for our school system and its students.

    1. Dire? Why? Who is missing having a figurehead superintendent? Seriously?

      Our last 2 superintendents have been highly paid with excessive perks. They didn't run the school system on a daily basis because there are bunches of administrators doing all the daily work.

      Does anyone notice that there isn't a figure head superintendent right now? Would England go on without a Queen?

    2. Ignorance is bliss, Janis.

  3. Now let's hope they will make this a serious search especially since valuable time has been wasted and there is much work to do.

  4. He came, he saw and he left.

    1. He came, he saw the Parents Coalition site, and he left. He knew parents would be watching.

  5. Montogemery County arrogance! Ever think about about what Houliham may have found out about board/district/community?

    1. Mrs. Grier,

      What would he have found out that he wouldn't have already known when he applied for the position?

      The reality if that this "preferred candidate" did not go over well with the unions. The teachers union picks our Board of Education members. It's called the Apple Ballot. They control the BOE majority, they call the shots. That's public knowledge.

      Everything that Mr. Houlihan needed to know is easily accessible on the Internet. Taking a little bit of time to read and research would be all that was needed.

      First thing he could have learned is that Montgomery County parents weren't super thrilled about Joshua Starr's two year "listening tour."

      Figure head superintendents may be all the rage, but they may not be what Montgomery County is looking for in their next superintendent.

      It would have been pretty easy to figure out that someone that was being "groomed" for a superintendent position was probably not what Montgomery County had in mind for the next superintendent.

    2. Mrs. Grier - your hubby was the one who pushed Drew towards MoCo - so if we have dirt, please tell us so we can clean up.

    3. Ms. Grier, My problem with the candidate is that he had nothing in his resume to demonstrate a record of actually developing, building, maintaining long term programs. Anyone - and they are a dime a dozen in education- can get something started. The real talent and skill is over the long term when data is collected, analyzed and programs are adjusted in response to that data to give long-lasting benefits to children. 2-3 years of bouncing from one thing to another just doesn't cut it for me.

  6. Somehow I get the feeling there is not a human on the planet perfect enough for this role. Anyone here have a superintendent who would be an example of who we would want here?

    1. Please explain. Maybe you know who other candidates are? Are there any? Your comment makes zero sense since there is no pool of candidates and there was exactly one name put forward.
      So if that one name doesn't want the job that means that the job is impossible to fill?

    2. I was just wondering if there is a model superintendent in one of many districts in any of the 50 states who could be a model for the kind of candidate who would be acceptable.

      Most district websites name their current superintendent and their qualifications.

    3. The problem is that based on the status quo they should be looking for a warden not a superintendent.

  7. This county boasts as one of the most affluent in the nation where individuals with advanced degrees dominate and the BOE has to go on a wild goose chase across the nation in order to find a qualified candidate for the position?

  8. I personally don't think the superintendent really matters. MCEA calls the shots in MCPS, no matter who comes into this job. Until we get away from the Apple Ballot BOE, MCPS won't change.

  9. How do we get rid of the Apple Ballot? it's holding the our children back.

    1. Even the dismissal of Jon Gerson (from his “political duties”) for various “bad acts*” couldn’t slow down the Apple Ballot. The only thing that will make a difference is when voters/parents realize that the Apple Ballot is nothing more than a paper tiger, which (thus far) we have chosen to treat as relevant. In future elections, voting for more non-Apple Ballot candidates will begin the end of this scourge.


    2. Politicians performing "bad acts." Why that is a preposterous and inflammatory statement.

    3. If you want alternatives to the Apple Ballot, you have to be willing to support and vote accordingly. Do your own independent evaluation and vote.

  10. He came, had a meeting with Leggett, Leventhal and Rice, then left not to return... I wish I could hear what went on in that meeting! Probably had something to do with not doing anything that could possibly tick off unions... He was smart to withdraw...

    1. Leggett, Leventhal and Rice? Corrupt Corrupter and Corruptest!

      When did this meeting occur? Where can I find out more about it?

  11. Call up George Leventhal on the phone and ask him yourself. He was tweeting about it. Then let us know.


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