
Friday, May 22, 2015

Maryland mom pulls daughter from school, says building makes her sick |

Maryland mom pulls daughter from school, says building makes her sick |


  1. Remember the pipe breaks all winter long in this County? I'm sure folks here will get sick from mold as the spring and summer heat up. Guess the same" English major" biotech expert (CTO) who inspects the radiation is also in charge of spore and mold measurement as well. He still has to get back to us on his scientific appraisal he promised us about 2 months ago or more concerning the wave radiation from towers at schools. Guess the same speedy guy will do spore counts and culture them by 2016 and hide the results as he always does.. He better start first in the dark damp rooms used for restraining the special needs students in some schools. Those rooms are pretty musty smelling. Ask for a visit sometime and guess what? Chances are you will not be granted access to them .

  2. sounds like a reaction to to much radiation. wireless radiation from cell towers, school routers, lap tops, etc. can cause headaches, dizziness, elevated heart rate....

  3. headaches and dizziness are often symptoms of brain tumors and other neurological changes.

    1. The child had a battery of tests done, according to the article; odds are good that something like that would have been detected. I guess it also partly depends on whether the symptoms are continuing at home; not really a lot of followup in the article about that, not enough information for readers.

  4. Ignorance is bliss

    1. Just like the Eloi and the Morlocks.


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