
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Starr Inked No Bid/No BOE Vote $900,000 Contract with Gallup as Superintendent, Gets Job with Gallup Affiliate

The former superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools is set to become the next CEO of an international association of educators.
PDK International, based in Arlington, announced Tuesday that Joshua Starr will replace William Bushaw, who served as the organization’s CEO for the past 11 years....

...PDK also publishes Kappan, a magazine for educators, and an annual poll in partnership with Gallup about American public opinion on public schools...


  1. The Peter Principle strikes again!!!

  2. Big pay cut for Josh

  3. Ignorance is Bliss

  4. Another chapter in the annals of The Intellectuals of Rockville.

    1. Put there by the Apple Ballot voters for the last 20 years!

  5. Your obsession with the Apple Ballot is comical. I have taught in the county for over 20 years. Many times including the last time I voted for some on the ballot and some off. I do my own research. As a MCPS employee I have only handed the ballot out when I agreed with all of the candidates and there have been many of times I haven't. As an educator I love that you think we have so much power. If only half of that were true. Instead of throwing your disdain for the Apple Ballot maybe you want to put your energy to encouraging voters to learn about the candidates.

    1. Glad you are laughing. It's funny what is going on now, isn't it?

      The Apple Ballot candidates win, over and over and over and over again.

      The teachers' union has a seat at the SECRET MCPS budget table and is setting the MCPS budget year after year after year after year, BECAUSE the Apple Ballot elected Board of Education members are selected for their false belief that the Board of Education does not set the MCPS budget. They are wrong, very wrong. The Board of Education is responsible for setting the MCPS budget, every dollar.
      But, thanks to the Apple Ballots selection of candidates who don't understand how Maryland government works, the Teachers' Union gets massive control over how MCPS operates.
      Time for you to catch up. YOUR union has gone on national tours to tout this "special" relationship!
      Still laughing? Seems like Montgomery County citizens aren't finding all of this quite so funny this week.

    2. By the way, don't miss the articles on how YOUR representative bullied non-Apple candidates. Oh, did you miss that? The non-Apple ballot candidates would be more than happy to tell you all about how that went down year after year.

    3. The reason the apple ballot works is because most people don't have a clue about who to vote for and don't have the time, interest or ability to investigate in depth. And it works because it is graphically handy.

      Why not just make up an anti-apply ballot. Maybe the fruit bowl ballot. Playing on the idea of a coalition with many perspectives. Hand it out at polling places, just like they do with the apple ballot.

      The point is -instead of complaining about how powerful the apple ballot is, do something about it in a way that meets voters where they are..

    4. Great idea. When do you start on your fundraising? Because the Apple Ballot is MAILED to tens of thousands of homes every election. That's why the elected officials are all beholden to each other, they pool their funds to do the mailing. Remember that the Apple Ballot would demand $6,000 per endorsement. The money was pooled and then one mailing would go out. Once elected the Apple Ballot candidates stick together forever because they owe each other their win and future elections.
      When you have $60K to get this started, let us know.

  6. This is not related to The Apple Dumpling Gang.


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