
Friday, May 29, 2015

State's Attorney: "answering the question of whether it’s student money or program money is not for us to resolve"

...The prosecutor’s office examined records from 2001 to 2013, tracking 7,039 transactions amounting to about $69,000. The average transaction was around $25.
The office also interviewed Rock Terrace staff. It didn’t talk directly to parents or students, but rather reviewed parent statements and other information the school system passed on from its investigation.
The Educational Systems Federal Credit Union provided records for 93 students, Roslund said.
The investigation uncovered multiple inconsistencies related to how staff managed the money and bank accounts. The “variances” point to a lack of supervision and oversight “within individual school years, individual student accounts and from year to year,” McCarthy said.
The investigation determined that money pulled from the accounts generally was put toward school programs, but there was no documentation of exactly how the money was spent...

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