
Monday, June 29, 2015

MCCPTA Fibs to Membership, Deceives Members about Input into BOE Child Abuse Policy

MCCPTA does not have a representative that has attended any of the MCPS Sexual Abuse of Students Advisory Group meetings to review the draft BOE Child Abuse Policy, but why should they tell their membership that fact?

On Twitter MCCPTA can put out what ever they want and their members are none the wiser.

Actual Advisory Group member Jennifer Alvaro counters MCCPTA's fib Tweet below.


  1. You'd figure annoying soccer moms like yourself would have something better to do than attack other soccer moms on Twitter.

    1. So you approve of lying to the Board of Education? That's certainly your choice.

      Guaranteed that this evening when the Board of Education is discussing the Child Abuse Policy one of the BOE members WILL SAY: "We had PTA at the table..."
      But, that's OK? OK to lie about how the Draft Child Abuse Policy was crafted?

      The FACT is the Draft Policy was created with ZERO input from parents.

      But lying is one of the core principles of MCPS and a cornerstone of how are children are educated, right? If the BOE can lie, why not students?

    2. Sorry, anonymous soccer commenter, why is it again that 30,000 PTA members have no comment on this? Please explain.

    3. The genius should look in the mirror and see something really annoying.

    4. It's annoying to hear other perspectives? Even ones you don't personally agree with? Doesn't that make you on par with the "horrible" board of education?

    5. Ms. Sartucci, While I agree that lying is despicable, according to Ms. Alvaro there are two *parents* on the working group. They just are not PTA reps, and really PTA reps are not really relevant since they only represent the interests of the small group that is in charge. I would rather have non PTA parents on the group anyway. As to the lying, it is typical of what PTA leadership does. Just look at how National and State PTA use their dues from their members - to finance perks for the officers.

  2. Don't count on the Feds to step in and straighten things out, they got their hands full with very important issues.

    1. Oh, they step in. They got Lawrence Joynes when the Board of Education was happy to have him in the classroom and they got Peter Flynn.

    2. They should step in more often and not like Halley's comet.


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